Before some big changes, life does this funny thing - where anything possible can seem like it will fall apart, and not only fall apart, for that would be a gentle crash, no. I mean, everything is burning and every little possibility is magnified in the terrors of the mind, and all the organs are bloating up or maybe shrinking, until the individual creature is non existent, or too afraid to live for any consequence of any kind.
Yeah, you heard that right.
How is it that change in itself is something Spirit yearns for, yet human is so afraid of? Isn’t it funny that both exist inside the form of the human?
I guess this whole year has been a whirlwind of a neverending tale, that continually says it’s all “falling apart”. Nothing to do. Nowhere to go.
Does it just all begin and end inside the bed under covers, always with cold feet but a warm chest?